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SEVEN DIESEL S.p.A. titular del tratamiento, informa que los datos personales enviados se usarán en el total respecto de la norma europea n. 2016/679. En el siguiente enlace de nuestra politica de privacidad hay Informaciones Adicionales.

Seven Diesel S.p.A.

  • Dirección: Via XXV Aprile, 51/53/55 - 25038 Rovato (Bs) - Italy
  • Tel: (+39) 030 7721778
  • Email:
  • PEC:
  • SDI: A4707H7
  • Horario laboral: Lunes-Viernes 8-12 / 13.30-17.30

Presidente del Consejo de Administración:

Alberto Bordonali

Departamenento de ventas:

Dott. Claudio Bordonali
Resp. Divisione Turbo

Dott.ssa Sara Trecani

Departamento técnico:

Departamento lógistico:

Departamento financiero:

Departamento de Compras:

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Cómo Alcanzarnos:

  • Seven Diesel is located 70 kms from the International Airport of Milano Linate and 120 kms from the intercontinental Airport of Milano Malpensa. A bus service connects the Airport of Linate to the Railway Station of “Milano Centrale”. From the Terminal 1 of the Airport of Malpensa it is simply to reach the city centre of Milan (stations of Cadorna, Milano Centrale, Milano Porta Garibaldi) thanks to a train called Malpensa Express. Once you reach the Railway Station, you can easily get a train to Rovato. But the nearest airport is the International Airport of Orio al Serio, it is located 35 kms from Rovato. Many low cost companies operate at this airport with flights coming from the main European cities. If you land at this airport, it will be possible either to rent a car or to reach the Bergamo Railway Station with the bus ATB.
  • Rovato is situated in the railway line Milano-Venezia therefore you just have to buy a ticket to Rovato and get off at the Rovato Station (66 kms from Milan). Seven Diesel is located only 2 kms from the Railway Station.
  • Rovato is located about 70 kms from Milan and 20 kms from Brescia, on the motorway A4 Milano-Venezia. Take the motorway exit of Rovato, then you will find 2 roundabouts: you always have to follow the signs that indicate the city center until you pass the motorway bridge. At the third roundabout turn right at the second exit (follow the Brescia direction). After 700 mts you will find the roundabouts number four and five, in the two cases you have to turn right at the second exit. The sixth roundabout is the last one, here you have to turn right at the first exit. After 50 mts you will find Seven Diesel on your left. It is also possible to reach us through the new motorway A35 BRE.BE.MI that connects Milan to Brescia. Also in this case the motorway exit is Rovato.


  • Dirección: Via XXV Aprile, 51/53/55
    25038 Rovato (Bs) - Italy

  • Tel: (+39) 030 7721778

  • Email:

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