SEVEN DIESEL S.p.A products are covered by one-year-warranty since the bill/shipping date engraved on each of them. During this time we replace or refund the no-compliant good once production-caused or heating treatment damages are verified.

Injectors and pumps must be serviced or installed only by professionals according to standard procedures as warranty requires. Before starting, please check the spare part code is correct and matches with the injector/pumps you are going to install in, otherwise the warranty will not cover any damage. In case of wrong installation, incorrect use, negligence, non-authorised tampering, external factor/agents, (e.g. dirty fuel, seepages of water, uncleaned system, worn filters, etc…) and use of non-fossil fuel (e.g. vegetable or animal origin fuels) warranty is no longer valid. No replacement will be done in case of deterioration due to excessive mileage.

Shipping costs for testing, assembling or disassembling, costs for no-working vehicles will not be refunded. Any engine damage ascertained and following to the claim will be refunded.

Claim steps:

  1. Check the one-year-warranty is valid (one year from the date engraved on the item).
  2. Inform the person in charge for your order in detail.
  3. Receive a written authorization to return the goods.
  4. Ship the goods. Shipping costs are always charged on costumers.
  5. Test bench reports are mandatory for Common Rail, UIS/UPS, EUI/HEUI nozzles.
  6. Our quality department is in charge to verify the problem and provide test results.

Warranty term is not extended by repairing or replacement. For any dispute, the court of Brescia (Italy) will be competent. Our warranty condition are considered to be accepted by buying our products.

Contact us

  • Address: Via XXV Aprile, 51/53/55
    25038 Rovato (Bs) - Italy

  • Tel: (+39) 030 7721778

  • Email:

See Contacts

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